Officials warned Wednesday that there are about 30,000 families in Maputo province that could be affected by a period of hunger. At stake is the loss of extensive areas of cultivation due to floods caused by heavy rains in the region, together with the opening of sluice gates of dams located in Mozambique, South Africa and in the Kingdom of Essuatíni.
According to the provincial director of Agriculture and Fisheries in Maputo, Mariamo José, about 26,000 hectares of various crops are completely lost due to the floods.
“At the moment, and due to the floods, around 71,000 hectares of crops remain flooded, which represents 26 percent of the 272,000 hectares that were ploughed in the first season of the 2022-2023 agrarian campaign,” she said.
In this scenario, José called on cooperation partners to step up support for families affected by floods and who have agriculture as their basis for subsistence.
Recently, the President of the Republic, Filipe Nyusi, had already warned about the emergence of pockets of hunger along the southern part of the country due to floods.