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Italy Disburses €2M To Improve Farmers’ Climate Resilience in Central Mozambique

Italy Disburses €2M To Improve Farmers’ Climate Resilience in Central Mozambique

The Italian government, through the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS), will disburse a total of 2 million euros (135.8 million meticals) to increase the climate resilience of farmers living in the provinces of Tete, Manica and Sofala, in central Mozambique.

The amount, which will be managed by the World Food Programme (WFP), comes at a time when the climate crisis is intensifying, at the same time as cyclones, floods and droughts are occurring in the country.

However, for the director of AICS, Paolo Sertoli, this gesture will help Mozambique to improve the situation of producers in the face of climate change and avoid scenarios of crop loss and malnutrition in some communities.

According to the source, it is important to guarantee the well-being and health of everyone. “There are various problems, including drought, which damages the product, a scenario that happens frequently in the localities. There are also floods that destroy crops,” she said.

For her part, the WFP representative in Mozambique, Antonella D’Aprile, welcomed the contribution, explaining that it will help combat the vulnerability induced by climate change and strengthen the food and nutritional security of 10,000 people, including small farmers, young people and women.

“Overcoming the adversities of climate change means improving the livelihoods of vulnerable communities dependent on agriculture. It is therefore essential to consolidate climate-smart agricultural practices,” she argued.

She added that “thanks to this generous contribution from AICS, not only will small farmers facing the wrath of extreme climate change be supported, but they will also improve their diet through greater access to nutritious food, essential for a child’s healthy growth.”


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