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Isaura Nyusi Calls on Everyone to Help Promote Education

Isaura Nyusi Calls on Everyone to Help Promote Education

The First Lady of the Republic called on everyone to collaborate in promoting education in the country. Isaura Nyusi argues that “education is the task of each and every one of us”.

Today is International Education Day, under the slogan “Learning for Lasting Peace”, a date created to emphasise the importance of education in the development of human capital.

It was in this context that the First Lady of the Republic addressed a message calling for everyone’s collaboration in galvanising the formation of human beings.

According to Isaura Nyusi, the promotion of education is not a task reserved for one group of people, but, on the contrary, it is everyone’s task, which is why everyone must contribute.

“Education is one of the most important tools to which humanity has access and which allows it to understand the world around it through knowledge, skills, moral values, civic values and love of country, with a view to contributing to the development of a better society,” she said.
with a view to contributing to the development of a cohesive society adapted to the ever-changing world,” reads the statement.

Isaura Nyusi says that, in Mozambique, education is one of the fundamental human rights enshrined in the Constitution of the Republic, and cited as a right of every citizen, and that the state has a duty to promote it, as well as guaranteeing equal access for all citizens.

O País


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