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Indonesia-Africa Forum: Government to Attract Indonesian Investment to Boost Energy Sector

Indonesia-Africa Forum: Government to Attract Indonesian Investment to Boost Energy Sector

The government is looking for new strategic partnerships to attract investment and speed up the development of the national energy sector. To this end, the Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy, Carlos Zacarias, is representing the head of state, Filipe Nyusi, at the 2nd Indonesia-Africa Forum, taking place this Monday and Tuesday (2 and 3 September) in Bali, an island in the Asian country.

According to Notícias‘ report, during the forum the minister is expected to speak on high-level panels, presenting Mozambique’s energy potential and exploring opportunities for new investments.

‘One of the government’s main expectations at the event is to consolidate bilateral agreements that could result in investments, benefiting, in addition to the energy sector, areas such as mineral processing, health, the sea and fisheries and transport and communications,’ said the minister.

Zacarias also explained that Indonesia’s interest in the Mozambican energy sector has already materialised through Buzi Hydrocarbons, which, in partnership with Empresa Nacional de Hidrocarbonetos (ENH), is moving ahead with a gas evaluation programme in the Búzi region, in Sofala province.

‘This project is just one of several initiatives that Mozambique hopes to expand with new partnerships in the forum,’ he emphasised.

With the aim of strengthening co-operation and identifying new business opportunities, Mozambique’s participation in the event is seen as a decisive step towards guaranteeing the influx of foreign capital, considered essential for the country’s sustainable growth.

‘The forum is expected to reach several agreements with African countries and companies worth more than 3.5 billion dollars,’ concluded Zacarias.



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