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India Provided Over $700 M in Financing for Projects in Mozambique

India Provided Over $700 M in Financing for Projects in Mozambique

The information was shared on Monday, August 15th, during the celebrations of India’s 75th Independence Anniversary. The High-Commissioner of that country in Mozambique, Ankan Banerjee, used the occasion to praise the fruitful relations between the two States, recalling some actions already developed.

“Mozambique is a long-standing partner in several vital areas. In the lines of financing, for example, India has already made available to Mozambique 773 million dollars and has already granted several scholarships to train Mozambicans in various projects,” described the representative.

Ankan Banerjee also said that Mozambique absorbs a good part of the Indian foreign investment directed to Africa, highlighting that there are large investments underway in the country, especially in the gas exploration project in Cabo Delgado province.

Representing the Government, the Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education, Daniel Nivagara, said that the relationship with India has always been healthy.

“It is known that India was one of the first countries to recognize Mozambique’s independence. And the relations between our states have been coming for quite some time. Because of this relationship with India, we have been cooperating in several areas of great interest, such as agro-processing, industry, electrification, transport and water supply,” he said.

Remember that India’s independence was achieved on August 15, 1947, after a long process of struggle against British colonial domination.


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