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Greece Highlights Significant Progress in Bilateral Cooperation With Mozambique

Greece Highlights Significant Progress in Bilateral Cooperation With Mozambique

The Republic of Greece is one of Mozambique’s strategic partners in a number of areas, particularly security and skills development. In a statement made public on Monday, December 18, the honorary consul-general of Greece in Mozambique, Gerry Marketos, explains that diplomatic relations with Mozambique are fruitful, with more expected next year.

The consul explains that the strengthening of cooperation between Greece and Mozambique has been characterized by significant contributions in various areas, evidencing a solid and mutually beneficial partnership.

“It’s important to mention our military cooperation, in which, as a member of the European Union Training Mission in Mozambique (EUTM-Moz), we contributed to peace support operations in Mozambique with paratrooper trainers from the Special Warfare Command, based at the Dongo military training center in Manica province. In development cooperation, we have a notable example, which is the partnership and collaboration we had with the Secretary of State for Youth and Employment (SEJE). In just ten months, we were able to mobilize resources for the construction of a carpentry and joinery workshop at the Pemba Vocational Training Centre, which opened on 28 November 2023,” points out Gerry Marketos.

In 2023, the Mozambique-Greece Bilateral Chamber of Commerce (CCGREMO) was set up, with the support of the consulate, with the mission of fostering and strengthening economic, social and cultural ties between the two countries. “It also aims to support the partnership between the government and the private sector to create a favorable environment and rapid economic growth. Our Chamber operates in the areas of energy and natural resources, maritime transport, port management and logistics, industry, commerce, tourism and culture,” the source said.

He explains that CCGREMO was recently presented in Pemba to the central and provincial governments, as well as local businesspeople. The aim of the event was to introduce the Chamber to people from Cabo Delgado province, addressing issues related to business opportunities and the challenges facing the province. “This meeting was yet another important step in CCGREMO’s journey, reinforcing our unwavering commitment to economic development and local collaboration,” said the Greek consul.

For Gerry Marketos, it is hoped that in 2024 the spirit of cooperation and strengthening of the bilateral relationship between the two countries will prevail, “because we will continue to dedicate significant efforts to providing the necessary support for Mozambique’s economic and social development, thus consolidating ties for a prosperous future”.


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