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Government Ratifies Defence Cooperation with Turkey and Kenya

Government Ratifies Defence Cooperation with Turkey and Kenya

The Mozambican government, meeting today in Maputo for its 4th session of the Council of Ministers, ratified the framework agreement for cooperation in the field of defence, as well as the agreement for cooperation in the defence industry with Turkey.

Speaking at the usual press briefing minutes after the end of the event, the spokesperson for the session, Ludovina Bernardo, said that the agreements were signed in September 2023, in the Turkish capital, Ankara.

At the same session, the Executive ratified the defence cooperation agreement with Kenya.

The agreement, according to Ludovina Bernardo, who is also deputy minister for Industry and Trade, was signed last August in Maputo.

Also at the same session, the Council of Ministers approved the regulation on fire protection in buildings and enclosures, a document that standardises construction standards for fire prevention in buildings and enclosures.

The spokeswoman explained that it was necessary to better define the forms of assistance in order to be compatible with the National Public Salvation Service (SENSAP), the organisation responsible for fire protection in Mozambique.

“With this regulation we can better orientate fire protection measures in the different sectors,” she said.

The document establishes the rules for fire protection in buildings and enclosures and applies to all buildings and enclosures, public administration bodies and institutions, natural and legal persons, public and private, throughout the national territory, in terms of fire protection.

“We’re talking about housing, industrial and commercial complexes, hospitals and schools, among others, and with the approval of this regulation we will eliminate the disparities that used to exist in each of the agents who designed construction projects for these developments,” he explained.

Also at the same session, the Council of Ministers learned about the state of play regarding the licensing and operation of private employment agencies and port labour companies for the 2020-2023 quadrennium.

On the subject, the spokesperson for the session said that the authorities had processed a total of 91 licensing processes for private agencies and three for port labour companies.

The process has resulted, according to Ludovina Bernardo, in at least 63 licences being issued, and the rest are still being processed.

“These interventions by private employment agencies have generated around 44,869 jobs in the country’s different sectors during this period,” she said.


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