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ExxonMobil and ENH Support Women Empowerment in Changalane

ExxonMobil and ENH Support Women Empowerment in Changalane

ExxonMobil Moçambique, Limitada (ExxonMobil) in partnership with ENH announced the support for the Changalane Women’s Association in Namaacha, Maputo Province. The donation aims to respond to the challenges faced by the farmers around crop production, improving the irrigation system in place and providing means of transportation to members of the association.

The donation includes oversight by the Mozambican NGO, ADPP, agricultural inputs such as seeds, pushcarts and irrigators, as well as 40 bicycles and an establishment of community bike repair shop in partnership with Mozambikes.

Photo courtesy: ExxonMobil

“Women empowerment and agriculture are key pillars of ExxonMobil’s global CSR initiatives,” said Jos Evens, General Manager for ExxonMobil Moçambique, Limitada. “By partnering with ENH and implementing an integrated program with ADPP and Mozambikes, we’re bringing together the necessary resources to improve the yield and better manage the crops, but more importantly we’re strengthening the livelihood of the Changalane community.”

This initiative builds on the already existing cooperation with ADPP and Mozambique Renewables where ExxonMobil donated smart cook stoves to the Changalane Women Farmers Association in July. The donation, which consisted of 30 clean cook stoves, a solar panel charger, LED lights and a mobile phone, aims to reduce the use of charcoal in rural and semi-rural settings, mitigating the deforestation activity in this region.

“This is the second collaboration in benefit of the communities between ExxonMobil and ENH.” Nilza Issufo Abdula, Board Advisor at the National Company of Hydrocarbons (ENH). “ENH is proud to partner with ExxonMobil to continue to support the communities across Mozambique and we reiterate our commitment to the development of the country.”

“ExxonMobil and ENH are a valued member that has community programs tied to the needs of the community.” Said Annette Castella Deputy Director for ADPP. “It pleases the community to see their needs responded to, and we are grateful to ExxonMobil for continuing to support agriculture and empowerment of women in Mozambique’s rural communities”.

About ExxonMobil

ExxonMobil, the largest publicly traded international oil and gas company, uses technology and innovation to help meet the world’s growing energy needs. In Mozambique, ExxonMobil holds a 25 percent indirect interest in Area 4 and will lead the construction and operation of future natural gas liquefaction facilities. In addition, ExxonMobil was awarded the joint rights to negotiate the Angoche basin (A5-B) and the Zambezi Delta (Z5-C and Z5-D) concessions, as part of Mozambique’s fifth licensing round. Please visit: or like us on Facebook at

About ENH

The National Hydrocarbons Company is an entity that belongs to the Mozambican state responsible for exploration, prospection, production and commercialisation of the oil and gas products and represents the state in all oil and gas related operations in the country. ENH invests in the community and has supported agriculture, education, health, access to energy, environment and sports.

About ADPP

ADPP Mozambique is a Mozambican non-governmental association established in 1982 working in the areas of quality education, health and well-being and environment and sustainable agriculture. At the core of ADPP’s mission is promoting the social and economic development of the most vulnerable people in the society with special attention to children, orphans, women and girls. Our vision is to build towards a better future, where every human being, regardless of their gender, race, creed, nationality, and origin, physical or mental state, has the same rights to life, treatment with dignity, rights to expression and choice, safe and secure livelihoods to pursue their dreams and realize their full potential. All of ADPP’s programmes use a holistic and inclusive approach that puts people at the centre of their own development. The central role given to people, in particular the most vulnerable groups, is a fundamental value of ADPP towards the achievement of sustainable development. Thus, the focus of the majority of ADPP’s work is the grassroots level, working among the people, for the people and with the people.

About Mozambikes

Mozambikes is a Mozambican company that customises and adapts bicycles for the market. The company has a social nature, seeking to scale the company’s social mission, which involves reducing poverty through low-cost and highly efficient personal transport.

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