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US Recognises Mozambique’s Commitment to Protecting the Environment

US Recognises Mozambique’s Commitment to Protecting the Environment

The administrator of the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Michael S. Regan, acknowledged on Tuesday 23 January Mozambique’s commitment to environmental preservation, stressing that his agency is already thinking about some kind of support to encourage the country to continue with its actions.

“We’re having a series of conversations with the various organisations in order to think about some kind of support to help fuel this enthusiasm we’re seeing in Mozambique,” said the official quoted by Lusa.

On the second and final day of his visit to Maputo, the source had the opportunity to get a closer look at a mangrove protection and recovery project on the Costa do Sol beach.

“We intend to provide technical assistance so that nothing degrades the environment while we seek a cleaner future for everyone,” he said.

In his speech, the source recognised that the country is also one of the most threatened by climate change, with regular periods of cyclones and severe droughts, adding that his institution is already thinking about specific support for this area.


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