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Consensus Reached on Mobilising New Sources of Funding

Consensus Reached on Mobilising New Sources of Funding

The participants of the Summit for a New Global Financial Pact have reaffirmed that the issue of climate change and poverty alleviation have to be taken as priorities so that the development continues to happen, at the same time as the planet is defended.

The information was shared by the Prime Minister, Adriano Maleiane, yesterday in Paris, France, during the press conference he gave to Mozambican journalists, moments after the end of the summit, in which he participated, representing the Mozambican President, Filipe Nyusi, revealed the daily “Noticias”, in its edition of Saturday, 24/06.

Noticias reports that the Paris summit also reached consensus on the need to move towards the renegotiation or restructuring of funding for debt servicing for development projects and investments in economic and climate resilience in the world.

The discussions at the various roundtables and panels focused on identifying solutions that can help alleviate the burden of public debt, particularly for developing countries.

On Thursday, the Prime Minister led a panel, under the theme “Unlocking Investments for a fair Energy Future for Africa”, in which he was the main speaker.

“We shared our experience and vision on the energy transition from fossil energies to clean energies, as well as the use we have been making of our varied sources of natural energy to ensure the implementation of the Energy for All Programme,” he said.

According to “Noticias”, the position of most African countries is that natural gas should be seen as an energy source for the transition to renewable energy and for the need to increase funding from international partners.

On this specific issue, Maleiane said it was necessary to consider that there are investments that have already been made in fossil energy exploration projects, whose investors need some time to have a return.

Meanwhile, on the sidelines of the summit, the Prime Minister met with representatives of the French business sector (MEDEF), Electricity of France and TotalEnergies.

It should be recalled that the Summit on a New Global Financial Pact, which ended yesterday, was an initiative of the French President, Emmanuel Macron, and was attended by about 50 Heads of State and Government or their representatives. The Head of the Mozambican delegation to the event gave a positive assessment of the event.



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