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Graça Machel Wins Dedicated Climate Award

Graça Machel Wins Dedicated Climate Award

Human rights activist Graça Machel was this week announced as the winner of the 2020 climate award, promoted by African Leadership Magazine, in a contest with 10 other personalities from the continent.

In the same poll and in the Youth of the Year category, the Mozambican Eder Pale, founder and general manager of the Mozhandlings company, who took second place, also stood out.

The winners will be decorated on 26 February, during the annual award ceremony highlighting the achievements of African personalities, which this year will be held in virtual format.

As has been tradition, the winners were revealed by the magazine’s editor, Ken Giami, at the group’s headquarters in the United Kingdom.

According to Giami, quoted on, 2020 was a turbulent year due to the Covid-19 pandemic, which made the continent’s health systems even more fragile.

However, he stressed that some Africans have helped to minimise the impact of the pandemic and have helped to inspire hope for the future, individuals who, in his view, deserve special praise.

The editor of the magazine, who created the award, said the nominees helped to change the negative narratives about Africa, contributing with determination to make the continent and the world a better place for everyone.

He noted that this year, the selection committee expanded the categories to cover other key themes critical to Africa’s future ambitions, including investing in youth, job creation, promoting peace, democracy, sustainable development and raising the continent’s global image.

See Also

The African Leadership Magazine, which is in its ninth edition, is an annual award reserved for African personalities who have contributed to influencing policy during the year.


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