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Cabo Delgado: IOM Provides Education Support for Women

Cabo Delgado: IOM Provides Education Support for Women

The International Organisation for Migration (IOM) is providing literacy courses to women in Ngalane, Mozambique, through a women participation project. Development Diaries reports that female literacy lags far behind that of males in the country, and around 45 percent of the adult population is illiterate, data from the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) shows.

In a tweet, IOM Mozambique, said, ‘Women’s literacy is essential to strengthen women’s participation in site management & decision-making! ‘IOM is providing literacy courses to women in Ngalane Site through the Women Participation Project, #CaboDelgado, based on a need identified during community consultations’.

The women’s participation project started in 2021 as part of the ‘Safe from the Start’ (SftS) global initiative aimed at reducing gender-based violence (GBV) risks in camps and camp-like settings. IOM and its partners are seeking to understand how women’s participation in governance structures could contribute to reducing risks of GBV in camps and camp-like settings. The United Nations agency believes women’s literacy is essential to strengthening women’s participation in site management and decision-making.

IOM Mozambique


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