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General Protests: Demonstrations Lead to Cancellation of Tourist Reservations, Businessmen Warn

General Protests: Demonstrations Lead to Cancellation of Tourist Reservations, Businessmen Warn

Entrepreneurs in the tourism sector have warned that the recent demonstrations and stoppages across the country, called in protest at the results of the presidential elections, are resulting in the cancellation of tourist bookings and seriously affecting the confidence of international visitors to Mozambique, as reported by Lusa.

According to Muhammad Abdullah, head of the Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism department at the Confederation of Economic Associations (CTA), the instability generated by the demonstrations has damaged the country’s image as a safe tourist destination, leading many visitors to review their travel plans.

‘This situation is detrimental to the country, to the economy and especially to tourism, as we are seeing complete cancellations of bookings, which is undermining the tourist confidence index,’ said Abdullah.

The protests, which involved road blockades, destruction of infrastructure and clashes between demonstrators and security forces, affected both the capital, Maputo, and other regions, generating concern among tour operators and investors.

Abdullah emphasised that the economic impact of these actions is high and that, although it is still ‘premature’ to count the total losses, the drop in tourist confidence will require a significant marketing effort to recover the country’s image. ‘In tourism, visitor confidence is essential and, after situations of instability, it takes time to restore it,’ he added.

The CTA estimates that, with the previous demonstrations in October and the most recent seven-day stoppage, the losses to the Mozambican economic sector exceed 3 million meticais, as well as leaving thousands of workers unemployed due to damage to commercial and tourist establishments.

The political uncertainty was triggered after the National Electoral Commission (CNE) announced the election results, which declared Daniel Chapo, supported by the Mozambique Liberation Front (Frelimo), as the winner with 70.67 per cent of the vote. The opposition candidate, Venâncio Mondlane, who obtained 20.32%, did not recognise the results and called the population to a series of demonstrations, alleging electoral fraud.

With tensions still high and the demonstrations expected to continue, the tourism sector and other economic segments fear the prolongation of the losses and the impact on Mozambique’s economic recovery.

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The CTA and other business organisations are calling for a peaceful resolution to the political conflict and emphasise the need for actions to guarantee security and stability, which are essential to restore confidence in the tourist market and encourage international visitors to return to the country.


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