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Cabo Delgado: Government Notes Progress in Tourism Despite Terrorism

Cabo Delgado: Government Notes Progress in Tourism Despite Terrorism

According to the Mozambican minister for tourism, Eldevina Materula, this sector is recovering despite terrorism in Cabo Delgado, at a time when the defence and security forces confirm the continued movement of armed groups off the coast of the country’s northernmost province.

Mozambique’s Minister of Culture and Tourism says that despite terrorism, more than a million foreign citizens entered the country in 2023 alone, with gains for the economy. However, Eldevina Materula recognises that more needs to be done.

“In terms of revenue, the result was growth of around 10.4 per cent compared to the same period in 2022. The figures presented are encouraging. We know that we have to continue working together as a government to improve the conditions for the development of tourism, she admits.

These figures come at a time when the Defence and Security Forces are reporting continued terrorist movements in some areas of Cabo Delgado, in the far north of the country.

“There is some movement by the enemy along the coast, particularly along the coast of Macomia. We’ve been there, we’ve done some checking. The enemy is not there. If they go there, they will encounter sporadic situations, looking for some logistical assistance,” said the spokesman for the Mozambican Defence and Security Forces, Freitas Norte, while also indicating that attention is focused on the Macomia district.

Local sources said that on Tuesday the Mozambican army and the Rwandan force supporting the country in the fight against terrorism in Cabo Delgado destroyed a terrorist hideout at the Quiterajo administrative post in Macomia district.

According to the same sources, several terrorists were killed and military equipment recovered as part of the operation.


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