The Government plans to build a total of 5,225,000 houses by 2024, aiming to alleviate the housing shortage, mainly for young people. The information was shared last Wednesday, 31 August, by the president of the Administration Council (PCA) of the Housing Promotion Fund (FFH), Armindo Munguambe, at the 57th edition of FACIM.
Munguambe said that, as well as these homes, the Fund would provide over 1,300 infrastructed plots of land and guarantee access and water and electricity connections for citizens.
For these projects to materialise, according to Munguambe, 7.5 billion meticais are required, part of which is already guaranteed. At the moment, as he pointed out, ‘démarches’ are taking place at several levels to materialise the project.
“We have already obtained a 100 million dollar financing that we think will help our projects. We will continue to work hard so that our programmes become a reality,” the leader told Noticias.
In relation to infrastructure land, he revealed that the FFH is working with all the country’s municipalities to provide spaces with a view to demarcating land for housing. Armindo Munguambe explained that the spaces in question should be attractive, not being prone to floods and cyclones, so that the Government speeds up the land infrastructure project.
The idea is that each municipality cedes space for at least 1,000 plots of land. At the moment, in some municipalities such as Tete, Pemba, Dondo, Vilankulo and Maputo, land parcelling has already started.
“The levels of infrastructure work underway still fall short of what is needed, so it will be necessary to increasingly massify this action, as it is a way of boosting the development of municipalities and improving the quality of urbanisation,” he noted.
In relation to the urban development programme for the north of the country, Munguambe said that work had already started to identify intervention areas, streets and houses that would benefit from the planned improvements.