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Mozambique Launches New Certificate to Assess Quality of Exports and Imports

Mozambique Launches New Certificate to Assess Quality of Exports and Imports

The Mozambican government, through the Ministry of Industry and Trade, has launched a new instrument for assessing the quality of products, in order to guarantee exports and imports within internationally accepted parameters.

This is a new phytosanitary certificate, which replaces the previous one and aims to improve certification methods in the light of World Trade Organisation (WTO) regulations.

“The aim of the new certificate is to be able to indicate at the base what type of cleaning, treatment and quality improvement methods have been carried out,” assured the Minister of Industry and Trade, Silvino Moreno, last Friday, 22 December, during a second ordinary session of the National Trade Facilitation Committee.

On the occasion, the government official, quoted by the Mozambican Information Agency (AIM), explained that the aim of the new certificate is to contain elements that make it possible to assess whether the products to be exported have the necessary quality.

“Products, especially plants and animals, over time, or when they are harvested, always have some impurities, which is why laboratory analyses are necessary,” he added, emphasising that WTO member countries are prohibited from taking diseases from their food or agricultural products to other countries, and the only way to avoid this is to go to laboratories “and make sure that what we are exporting is in good condition”.


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