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Mozambique and Essuatíni Want to Boost Rail Freight Transport

Mozambique and Essuatíni Want to Boost Rail Freight Transport

The Mozambican government wants to boost rail freight transport with Eswatini in order to increase the volume of cargo moved between the two countries, the Mozambican transport minister said today during a meeting with his counterpart from that country.

“We will endeavour to build rapid consensus for the integrated development of transport in Mozambique and the Kingdom of Eswatini,” said Mateus Magala in Eswatini, during a bilateral meeting with the country’s Minister of Public Works and Transport.

The Mozambican government also expressed its commitment to implementing joint initiatives with Eswatini to develop the countries’ economies and “improve people’s livelihoods”.

At the meeting, Mateus Magala also emphasised the “special, significant, historic and very deep” relations between the two countries.

Mozambique and Eswatini (formerly Swaziland) share the Goba railway line, following the removal of the railway border between the two countries for the circulation of goods trains in 2022.


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