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Tete: Vulcan Announces Technological Solution to Mitigate Pollution in Moatize

Tete: Vulcan Announces Technological Solution to Mitigate Pollution in Moatize

Indian mining company Vulcan recently announced the introduction of a new technological solution to reduce the environmental impact of its operations at the Moatize coal mine in Tete province. The move comes after the government accused the company of failing to fulfil the environmental quality standards established for mining in the region.

According to the newspaper Noticias, the chairman of Vulcan’s board of directors, Mukesh Kumar, said that the company will implement a detonation system without explosives, which aims to minimise the emission of particles and the impact of dust on the atmosphere.

The new technology should be installed in the coming weeks and will be accompanied by other measures, such as increasing the number of trucks and water sprinklers at strategic points in the mine, as well as the use of specific chemical products to control the dispersion of dust.

‘We are committed to adopting all the necessary measures to ensure that our operations are carried out in accordance with the required environmental standards,’ said Kumar in statements to the press in the city of Moatize.

He also emphasised that the company has made significant investments in sustainable technologies, and that the decision to introduce this new solution is aimed at responding to concerns raised by the local community and the authorities.

Vulcan’s reaction comes weeks after the Minister of Land and Environment, Ivete Maibaze, accused the company of exceeding permitted pollution limits and failing to comply with environmental standards.

She emphasised that the government is committed to ensuring that all companies operating in the country respect environmental regulations in order to protect public health and the environment.

According to the information, Vulcan’s introduction of the new technology will be closely monitored by the authorities, who promise to monitor compliance with the standards and evaluate the effectiveness of the measures taken by the company.

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