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Inhambane: Export Volume Up 20% To $150M In H1

Inhambane: Export Volume Up 20% To $150M In H1

More than 150 million dollars were collected during the first half of the current year in Inhambane province, resulting from the export of various products. This figure represents an increase of around 20% compared to the same period last year, in which 125 million dollars were collected.

Natural gas, coconut and its derivatives, fish, fruit and raw and processed wood are the products that weighed most in the sale to the international market, which had as preferential destinations countries of the Southern African Development Community (SADC), of which neighboring South Africa is evident, in addition to Asia and Europe.

The data were released last Friday, July 28, during the 11th ordinary session of the Council of Provincial State Representation Services, whose objective was to assess the level of compliance with the Economic and Social Plan (PES) for the first half of this year and economic performance, as well as the execution of the State Budget (OE).

According to the spokesperson for the session, Elvira Xirinda, direct investment (national and foreign) reached more than 500 million dollars in the same period last year.

The source added that, despite the impacts of Tropical Depression Freddy, the performance of PES and OE was positive “because it shows growth, both in exports and in attracting new investments”.

“Looking at the performance of the indicators of the Government’s Five-Year Plan 2020-2024, 161 operationalization indicators were evaluated, of which 114 met the expected targets, 22 partially met and an equal number did not,” said Elvira Xirinda, quoted by the newspaper Noticias.

The spokeswoman pointed out, however, that the continuation of the construction works of the district courts of Panda and Jangamo, the buildings of the Social Security Institute (INSS) of Inharrime and the rehabilitation of the old bridge over the Save River are part of the list of achievements or ongoing in the province of Inhambane.

Elvira Xirinda also highlighted as gains the expansion of drinking water and electricity supply networks.


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