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Zambézia: Government Cancels Tender for Construction of Mugeba Dam

Zambézia: Government Cancels Tender for Construction of Mugeba Dam

The Ministry of Public Works, Housing and Water Resources has cancelled the tender for construction of a dam in Mugeba, in Zambezia’s Mocuba district, allegedly because the proposals did not meet the requirements for the infrastructure.

The fact was confirmed by the Minister of Public Works, Housing and Water Resources, Carlos Mesquita, who has been working in Zambezia province since Monday.

“In our opinion, the evaluators of the team that was working on it found, that it still did not have enough substance to give us guarantees that in fact the proposals were more suitable. I’m not saying they were all bad, that’s not the point. We need to improve a little more and it was agreed, at commission level, that we will very soon launch a tender again, because this Mugeba dam has to appear, it has a very big impact for the control of all the dikes here and so on,” he said, cited by RM.

Rádio Moçambique


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