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World Bank Provides $250M for Urban Mobility Projects in Maputo

World Bank Provides $250M for Urban Mobility Projects in Maputo

The World Bank (WB) has made available 250 million dollars, equivalent to 15.8 billion meticais, for the implementation of the urban mobility project, to start this year in the metropolitan area of Greater Maputo. The priority of the amount is road construction.

The Mozambique Information Agency (AIM) reported on Tuesday, April 4, that the amount provided by the World Bank will start to be used in the next two months, and that the construction of three roads in Matola municipality, Intaka-Boquisso, Matlemele-Mwamatibwana and Kongolote-Molumbela, which are in a marked state of degradation, should start soon. The Ministry of Transport and Communications has already launched the public tender announcement for their construction.

In partnership with the municipalities of Matola and Maputo, the Metropolitan Transportation Agency of Maputo will implement the urban mobility project to be launched on April 13.

Meanwhile, the World Bank argues that Mozambique should bet on building roads resilient to natural phenomena, since it has been a frequent victim of these in recent years. The head of Programs and Transport of the institution, Zayra Romo, said at the 20th general assembly of the African Road Maintenance Funds Association (ARMFA) that natural disasters bring negative effects to the country’s road infrastructure, so he advocates quality works.

“Climate change has a negative impact on the quality of roads and it is therefore essential to design them in a resilient way. For example, in Mozambique, cyclones Idai and Kenneth in 2019 damaged 3600 kilometers of road,” he noted.

According to the source, road construction in Mozambique and the African continent in general remains a weak point.

Recently, the World Bank revealed that Mozambique needs $35 million to build resilience in various sectors that are threatened by climate change by 2030.

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