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World Bank Donates 100 Million to Maputo’s Urban Transformation

World Bank Donates 100 Million to Maputo’s Urban Transformation

The World Bank has approved a donation of US $ 100 million from the International Development Association (IDA) to support the Maputo Urban Transformation Project, the institution announced on Saturday in a statement.

“The project will finance critical investments in urban infrastructure and support the implementation of municipal reforms,” says the World Bank.

The evolution of the urbanized space “did not benefit everyone in Maputo equally, since the city expanded informally, without effective urban planning and without necessary investments in basic infrastructures” justified André Herzog, leader of the project team, mentioned in the communicated.

Most of the project’s funds will “benefit the poorest in the urban space, investing in the improvement of informal settlements”.

Funding is also directed towards the construction of the city’s first sanitary landfill and the deactivation of the Hulene dump, renovation of the downtown area and implementation of an urban plan for the municipal district of Katembe, on the bank of the Maputo bay opposite the capital, “ where most of the future urban growth is expected to occur ”.

Part of the funding is also intended to reinforce efforts to mitigate the economic impact of covid-19 among the most vulnerable groups.

Mozambique has an accumulated total of 140 deaths and 16 812 cases of infection with the new coronavirus, 88% of which recovered.


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