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Vale and FIPAG Partner to Improve Water Supply in Moatize

Vale and FIPAG Partner to Improve Water Supply in Moatize

The mining company Vale Mozambique has signed an agreement with the Investment Fund for Water Supply (FIPAG) and the Moatize Municipal Council to develop and improve the water supply system in Moatize. This is an investment of 15 million meticais, which will benefit about 35 thousand people in different neighborhoods of the city.

According to the Regional Director of FIPAG, João Amiel, the project will raise the quality of services provided by the institution he directs. “We work with partners like Vale to bring the water closer to the communities. Due to the speed of growth of the city of Moatize, we saw the need to expand its system, these are neighborhoods that already have water and with this ‘oxygen balloon’ we will improve the quality and reliability of our service levels,” he explained.  

For his part, the representative of Vale, Francisco Mbembe, the partnership arises under the call of the municipality to provide water to the citizens.

“These are the most populous neighborhoods and where there is the greatest shortage of water in Moatize. The Municipality presented these issues and we embraced this cause,” Mbembe explained.



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