Passenger and freight trains have been stopped running on the Ressano Garcia and Goba railway lines since Saturday to make way for maintenance work on the entire southern railway network. The work is expected to last 13 days.
Since last Saturday, those who live or work in Goba and Ressano Garcia, or vice versa, have been using other means of transport, as an alternative to the railway, due to the interruption of trains operating on the two lines.
In a statement, Caminhos de Ferro de Moçambique announced that the interruption will last 13 days uninterrupted.
‘As part of the annual maintenance programme on the entire Southern railway network, which consists, among other works, of replacing rails to make the track safer, the Executive Board of CFM-Sul hereby announces that, from 01 to 13 June, the circulation of all Passenger and Goods Trains bound for Ressano Garcia/RSA and Goba/Kingdom of Eswatini will be suspended.’
What’s more, the CFM guarantees that urban trains operating on the Maputo/Motala-Gare and Maputo/Boane lines may continue to run, conditionally, subject to prior notification, in the event of any changes.
It should be noted that this measure comes after less than two months ago the circulation of passenger and freight trains in the southern region of the country was interrupted due to the undergrounding of railway lines following heavy rains in Maputo Province and Maputo City.
O País