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Mozambique Makes Way For Malawi To Build Dry Port In Nacala

Mozambique Makes Way For Malawi To Build Dry Port In Nacala

Mozambique has granted space to neighbouring Malawi to build a dry port near the port of Nacala, Nampula province, with the aim of speeding up customs clearance of goods and making transport logistics more flexible, especially for fuel and fertilizers.

According to a publication made on the Rádio Moçambique (RM) website, the concession of the space is the result of the deepening of diplomatic and bilateral relations, and will help Malawi to alleviate transportation costs and reduce the prices of goods.

“The space is designed to have railway sidings, warehouses, cargo handling equipment, fuel depots, pipelines, among others. The Government of Malawi will have to decide on the operational model of the facility, whether to embark on a public-private partnership or create a fully-fledged state-owned enterprise to optimize the direct link between Nacala and Blantyre,” the website reads.

Quoted by RM, Malawi National Petroleum Company operations director Micklas Reuben said the venture will take the lead in transporting goods and fuel by rail when it is set up in the Mozambican port area.

“At the moment, the Malawian government has already identified Geneva-based Augusto Energy to handle 196 million liters of fuel from Nacala port. However, with the infrastructure, we hope that the claims of fuel suppliers will be overcome,” he concluded.


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