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Mozambique Invests in Airport Modernisation

Mozambique Invests in Airport Modernisation

The Aeroportos de Moçambique (ADM) company is investing in the modernisation of airport services in various provinces of the country, with the aim of responding to the demands of the current market, the newspaper Noticias reported on Wednesday, November 27.

The information was provided by the Chairman of ADM’s Board of Directors, Amélia Muendane, during a working visit to Manica province, in central Mozambican. According to her, by the end of this year the Chimoio aerodrome will have an aircraft refuelling station, a service that until now was only available in other provinces or abroad.

‘This is another step towards progress and the modernisation of airport services in Mozambique. We’re going to continue working to improve the airports,’ said Amélia Muendane.

ADM has also launched a public tender to hire a company to carry out the modernisation work, although it has not released information on the amounts involved in the contract.

The company has argued that the high air freight rates on the domestic market are an obstacle to the country’s competitiveness, as well as discouraging the use of air transport in the export and import chain. To improve competitiveness, Amélia Muendane emphasises the need to create incentives for national producers to use air cargo services to transport their products.

Currently, Maputo, Nacala and Beira airports are certified by the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) and the International Air Transport Association (IATA), offering good conditions for handling various types of cargo. Other airports are in the process of being licensed, undergoing rigorous training in operational security and protection measures against illegal acts.

These processes aim to ensure that airports comply with international standards and become more attractive to cargo transport companies.

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