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Mozambique and China Mobilise Funds to Rehabilitate and Upgrade EN1

Mozambique and China Mobilise Funds to Rehabilitate and Upgrade EN1

The Minister of Works, Housing and Water Resources announced this Wednesday, 27 March, in Gaza province, the mobilisation of funds from the Chinese government to finance the rehabilitation and expansion of National Road Number One (EN1), Marracuene-Xai-Xai section.

Carlos Mesquita, quoted by Rádio Moçambique, said that in order to carry out this work, including the rehabilitation of the bridges along this stretch, the government needs around 150 million dollars (9.4 billion meticals), explaining that the government intends to rehabilitate and widen the two carriageways on the Marracuene-Xai-Xai stretch, which is around 190 kilometres long.

Carlos Mesquita added that the ideal would be to build a road with four lanes, but given the lack of funds, the current two lanes will initially be rehabilitated and widened in an evolutionary project.

At the moment, two contractors are on the ground filling in potholes along the road.

This Thursday, Carlos Mesquita will visit the road that gives access to Xai-Xai beach and the Ndonga-Dindiza embankment road, which links the districts of Guijá and Chigubo.


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