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Katembe: FNB Mozambique and Maputo City Council Inaugurate School Sports Complex

Katembe: FNB Mozambique and Maputo City Council Inaugurate School Sports Complex

On Wednesday, 31 January, FNB Mozambique and Maputo City Council inaugurated a multidisciplinary sports complex at the Completa Saúl Filipe Tembe Primary School, located in the municipal district of Katembe, in the city of Maputo.

The development was built with the aim of creating favourable conditions for sports practice for the school’s approximately 960 students, and work began in November 2023.

According to Sérgio Chitará, an engineer and member of FNB’s Board of Directors, this is a multi-purpose facility that will host various sports, such as volleyball, basketball and futsal, as well as a space for practising parkour (a sport that is still little known in the world, particularly in the country, and is based on the efficient movement of the body).

“In addition to the benefits for body and mind, sport promotes discipline, increases self-confidence, improves concentration, teaches leadership and how to deal positively with competitiveness,” he said.

For his part, the bank’s managing director, Peter Blenkinsop, said that the FNB hopes that this school will serve as a model and inspire others in different parts of the country.

“We believe that, from this sports complex, not only will more initiatives emerge, but also outstanding athletes who can represent us, nationally and internationally,” he emphasised.

He also said that “FNB has demonstrated its commitment to projects and initiatives to support sport, notably through the annual FNB Maputo 10Km – Corrida das Acácias, the fifth edition of which took place on 4 November 2023”.

In his speech, the chairman of the Municipal Council, Eneas Comiche, emphasised the importance of the recently inaugurated school infrastructure and considered that this is “a way of ensuring that pupils will have an appropriate environment for practising sport and that valuable talent will emerge from Katembe to make the Municipality of Maputo proud”.

“We will have the opportunity to host district, provincial and even national games in the disciplines of indoor volleyball, beach volleyball, basketball, futsal, handball and parkour,” he concluded.

The inauguration of the multidisciplinary sports complex at Saúl Filipe Tembe Comprehensive Primary School, the only structure of its kind in the entire district, took place on the occasion of the opening of the 2024 school year, which was held under the slogan “For Inclusive, Competitive and Quality Education”.


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