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Inhambane: ANE Warns of Road Closures Due to Floods

Inhambane: ANE Warns of Road Closures Due to Floods

The heavy rains that have fallen in the southern region of the country in recent days, combined with the discharges occurring in neighboring countries, have caused severe damage to the road network in Inhambane province, which conditioned the transitability on some roads that cross the basins of the Save, Nhanombe and Mutamba rivers.

In a statement, the National Roads Administration (ANE) warned that in Inhambane province there are stretches in a conditioned transitability situation, due to floods, with the possibility of cutting them.

“In the National Road Number 1 (N1) in the section between Lindela and Maxixe city, for example, there was overflowing of the platform and collapse of the slope on the right side, in the south-north direction, in the area of ‘Mademo’, in Maxixe. The road that connects the districts of Homoíne and Panda, Chicuque and Monguê and the Village of Inhassoro to Nhamabw is also impassable”, he informed.

In order to mitigate the situation, ANE referred that there are technical teams in the field monitoring the situation and assessing the damages, and that interventions are underway to ensure transitability, while actions to mobilize equipment and materials for the replacement of damage occurred on these roads are underway.

Last week, the province of Inhambane was ravaged by Cyclone Freddy, which caused several damages and left several people homeless.


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