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Housing Development Fund Has Already Invested 5.3B Meticals in Housing Construction

Housing Development Fund Has Already Invested 5.3B Meticals in Housing Construction

The chairman of the Board of Directors of the Housing Development Fund (FFH) said that since 2019 the institution has invested around 5.3 billion meticals in the construction of houses of different types, adjusted to the income of households.

According to an article made public this Thursday, 2 January, by the newspaper Notícias, 1502 houses have been built so far, benefiting 6,600 people. In the same period, the fund has organised 1026 plots (building spaces), guaranteeing access to essential services such as water, energy and sanitation.

Armindo Munguambe said that the projects underway are part of the ‘Habita Moçambique’ programme, which promotes sustainable and inclusive housing solutions, adjusted to the country’s different social realities.

He said that the programme is being implemented throughout the country, with 100 houses in the KaTembe municipal district and 128 flats in Marracuene (Maputo), 38 in Chongoene (Gaza), 50 in the city of Inhambane, 100 in Chimoio (Manica), 40 in Nampula and 70 in Pemba (Cabo Delgado).

The president of the FFH said that each project was designed to meet housing needs and promote local development in integrated spaces, reserving areas for schools and public services, which contributes to organised and resilient communities.

Armindo Munguambe said that a special gain was the mobilisation of 6.3 billion meticals (100 million dollars) from the World Bank and the start, in 2022, of the implementation of the Northern Mozambique Urban Development Project.

This is a project focused on the urban development of four municipalities in the north of the country, with emphasis on improving 8,000 precarious houses and redeveloping the same number of neighbourhoods in Pemba, Montepuez, Nampula and Nacala-Porto.

‘Already in the final stretch of the first phase, the programme is having a positive and lasting impact on the lives of families, responding to immediate housing needs and social inclusion, stimulating the construction materials industry and its standardisation, increasing employment and creating new housing areas,’ he said.

Armindo Munguambe also indicated that the construction of 216 houses is underway in the provinces of Maputo, Gaza, Manica, Tete, Zambézia, Nampula and Cabo Delgado, as well as 439 organised plots in Inhambane and Zambézia. ‘For next year, various initiatives involving the private sector and induction of housing co-operatives are in the pipeline,’ he said.


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