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Government Concessions Chongoene Port to Chinese Company for 15 Years

Government Concessions Chongoene Port to Chinese Company for 15 Years

The government has granted a 15-year concession, as a public-private partnership, for the construction, operation, maintenance and management of the Chongoene Port Terminal, located in Gaza province, to a company made up of the Chinese company Desheng Port and the state-owned Portos e Caminhos-de-Ferro de Moçambique (CFM).

‘The infrastructure is under the responsibility of Sociedade Terminal de Minérios de Chongoene SA, made up of the companies Desheng Port and Portos and CFM, which are authorised to design, finance, build, own, operate, manage, rehabilitate, maintain, commercially exploit and ultimately return it with all related and auxiliary undertakings,’ clarified information released by Lusa.

The document quoted by the Portuguese agency states that the terminal will be exclusively engaged in the storage and handling of heavy national sands in bulk, within the perimeter of the concession, and that it has a minimum capacity to export eight million tonnes a year, which may increase depending on demand.

According to official figures, the first phase of investment for the construction of the Chongoene Port Terminal is budgeted at 55 million dollars, and the promoters hope to boost it with exports of heavy sands from Chibuto, whose production is estimated at two million tonnes a year.


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