The Mozambican government’s Housing Promotion Fund (FFH), needs, in the next 18 months, one billion meticais (about 15.6 million US dollars, at the current exchange rate) for housing projects throughout the country.
“In the second half of next year, the institution will start the construction of 160 apartments”, said the Chairperson of the FFH Board of Directors, Armindo Munguambe, quoted in Thursday’s issue of the Maputo daily “Notícias.”
The apartments to be built, according to Munguambe, are part of the third phase of the Zintava Project, in Maputo Province.
In the same period, 32 houses will be concluded in Chimoio (capital of the central Province of Manica), 25 in Lichinga (Niassa), 25 in Tete, 25 in Quelimane (Zambézia) and 25 in Pemba (Cabo Delgado).
According to the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat), at least 80% of the more than five million dwellings in the country are self-built. Of these, a minimal amount (less than 2%) are entirely built with conventional materials, such as masonry and zinc roof tiles.