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Construction of the Moamba-Major Dam Budgeted at 572 Million Only to Resume in 2023

Construction of the Moamba-Major Dam Budgeted at 572 Million Only to Resume in 2023

Construction work on the Moamba-Major dam in Maputo province will resume in 2023, with the government working with partners to find funding for the project, Mozambican newspaper Notícias reported.

Budgeted at around 572 million meticais, the infrastructure will strengthen the availability of water for the Metropolitan Region of Greater Maputo, which currently depends on the dams of Corrumana and Pequenos Libombos.

The assurance was given in Maputo by the Minister of Public Works, Housing and Water Resources, Carlos Mesquita.

Speaking after visiting the water infrastructure, housing and improvement works of some roads, the governor mentioned that the construction of this dam was interrupted in 2017 with the cut of funding by the Government of Brazil, after the execution of only 10% of the project.

The dam, according to Mesquita, is a structuring initiative and a priority of the Government, and the negotiations, aimed at seeking funding for the execution of the work, are at a very advanced stage.

The minister specified that one of the Government’s primary responsibilities is to guarantee the supply of water, hence the importance of continuing to build retention infrastructures.

“The Moamba-Major dam is extremely important because the demand for water in the Greater Maputo metropolitan area and surrounding areas has been increasing,” he concluded.


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