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China’s CRBC Presents Light Rail Project for Greater Maputo 

China’s CRBC Presents Light Rail Project for Greater Maputo 

The General Director of the China Road and Bridge Corporation (CRBC) has revealed that the company has already expressed to the Mozambican authorities its readiness to build a light rail system in the Greater Maputo region.

Quoted by Noticias, Pengyu Bai said that the project, envisaging the construction of a railway line between the old Maputo International Fair (Facim) and Zimpeto, has already been presented.

“We carried out the feasibility study and public consultations, and the project has now been submitted to the Government of Mozambique,” said Bai, adding that he hoped to materialise the project next year.

A construction project and a railway line to solve transport problems in Maputo was supposed to start this year, but, according to Noticias, it was postponed due to “cyclical issues”.

CRBC was responsible for the construction of the Maputo-KaTembe bridge and the Maputo Circular Road. The company has also expressed its willingness to support the Government in the rehabilitation of National Highway Number 1 (N1).


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