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Cabo Delgado: Government Allocates $50M for Construction of Muera Dam

Cabo Delgado: Government Allocates $50M for Construction of Muera Dam

The government recently revealed that it has managed to mobilise a total of 50 million dollars from cooperation and development partners for the construction of the Muera dam in Cabo Delgado province, northern Mozambique.

According to the Minister of Public Works, Housing and Water Resources, Carlos Mesquita, the infrastructure will be built to the approved standards and will induce economic development in the region, making room for the availability of water for the entire population.

“We are committed to mobilising funding, both through public-private partnerships and cooperation and development partners, and we already have the amount needed for the Muera dam,” he said.

In his speech, the leader emphasised that other dam construction projects are underway, namely Mapai in Gaza, Megaruma in Cabo Delgado, Moamba Major in Maputo and Mugeba in Zambezia.

According to the official, these projects are of the utmost importance since, combined, they can store more than 9 billion cubic metres for multiple uses and thus boost socio-economic development in the regions covered by the projects.

“We continue to focus on promoting the construction of small dams and reservoirs, which are extremely important for helping to reduce food insecurity. As a result of this effort, in the last five years, the government, with the support of its partners, has built 28 dams, with a total storage capacity of 900,000 cubic metres and benefiting around 40,000 people,” he said.

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