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CTA Forges Closer Relations with Italian Trade Agency at the 19th Edition of CASP

CTA Forges Closer Relations with Italian Trade Agency at the 19th Edition of CASP

The Confederation of Economic Associations (CTA) met last Thursday, 21 March, with the ITA (Italian Trade Agency) to discuss the preparation of the Mozambique-Italy bilateral session planned for the 19th edition of CASP and to open up new areas of business collaboration between the two countries.

According to the organisation’s statement, the ITA affirmed its support for the 19th edition of CASP, confirming its collaboration and promotion of the event among the Italian community. “The ITA has offered support to Italian and Mozambican companies looking for bilateral business opportunities,” the document explains.

The CTA says that, in addition to CASP, the two institutions have agreed to promote actions to increase the employability of young people within the Italian business community and its agencies. The language issue has been a serious problem in business connections and in hiring local labour.

At CASP, ITA will present business opportunities and has asked for CTA’s support in bringing Italian companies to FACIM.


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