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Mozambique Intends to Revolutionise Building Material Industry

Mozambique Intends to Revolutionise Building Material Industry

The Government wants to revolutionise the national construction material industry in the near future, through the creation of national companies capable of producing with advanced technologies, as a way of overcoming the constraints affecting the market and clients in the country.

For this purpose, the Ministries of Public Works, Housing and Water Resources (MOPHRH) and Industry and Trade (MIC) held on Monday, 17 October, in Maputo, a round table meeting, aimed at identifying concrete measures for the promotion of housing and national industry of materials production.

The event brought together in the same room the Government, private sector, educational institutions, academia and cooperation partners to discuss the value chain of production, import, resale, distribution and use of construction materials in Mozambique.

Speaking on the occasion, the Minister for Industry and Trade, Silvino Moreno, told Noticias that the country has 807 formal construction materials companies, with a higher concentration in Maputo province (32 percent) and the provinces of Inhambane and Gaza, Sofala, Manica, Zambézia, Nampula, Niassa and Cabo Delgado.

In his turn, the Minister for Public Works, Housing and Water Resources, Carlos Mesquita, said that “the definition of the solution in terms of the type of construction materials to be used in the project, the availability of the material on the national market, the price of acquiring it, the technology needed for its production and use and the quality of the material itself had a large impact on the final result of construction projects.

The meeting also served to determine the sector’s main challenges and to collect proposals for structuring solutions for the national production of construction materials, to identify models to support and stimulate the industrialisation of national production, to address aspects of quality and standardisation of production, among other points.

Doors and windows in metal, blocks and bricks, plywood, iron and steel base metallurgy, cement, concrete, zinc sheets, tiles, electrical material, sanitary metals, valves, paints, glass, glass products and varnishes are some of the construction materials produced in Mozambique.


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