The construction works of Vilankulo Polytechnic School have started this week, in Inhambane province, south of the country. It is an establishment that will teach several courses related to tourism, metal mechanics, health, entrepreneurship, among others.
The establishment of this vocational training institution is the result of cooperation between the municipalities of the cities of Vilankulo and Aalen, in Germany, as well as the support of the German organisation DMG.
With the start-up of the technical-vocational school, it is expected that many young people from Vilankulo will learn the art of making, acquiring skills that will enable them to invest in entrepreneurship.
The mayor of Vilankulo, William Tunzine, said, after laying the first stone for the construction of the infrastructure in the Quinto Congresso neighbourhood, that the construction work would be carried out in phases until it was equipped with state-of-the-art technology.
Tunzine added that the construction of that educational establishment is part of a project that consists of building, in that municipality, evolutionary schools, comprising nursery, primary and secondary schools.