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Chongoene Airport Works 80% Finished

Chongoene Airport Works 80% Finished

The construction works of the future airport in Gaza province, Chongoene district, is a few steps away from completion, and some infrastructures are in the finishing phase.

In the main runway, made of concrete, grooves are being placed in the surface of the pavement to create friction in the landing of the aircraft; in the circulation path, signs to facilitate the movement of aircraft should start soon.

Meanwhile, the buildings for the fire station, the power station and the cargo terminal are practically finished, and it is hoped that the equipping phase will begin.

Meanwhile, the terminal building and the main building are being glazed and covered.

Inside the facilities, the installation of partition walls in the service areas is underway, as well as the installation of false ceilings and flooring. The cladding on the walls has almost been completed.


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