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Port of Maputo Receives Quality Certification, First in Mozambique

Port of Maputo Receives Quality Certification, First in Mozambique

The Maputo Port Development Company (MPDC) successfully obtained ISO 9001:2015 certification on Tuesday 4 June. According to the organisation’s press release, the certification reinforces the concessionaire’s commitment to excellence and quality. As well as being a significant milestone, the Port of Maputo is also the first in Mozambique to receive the certification.

‘This achievement is a reflection of our commitment to the continuous improvement of services and the pursuit of excellence in customer service. The ISO 9001:2015 certification, carried out by the internationally accredited company Bureau Veritas, certifies that all quality management processes and systems have been assessed as complying with the strictest international standards,’ the document reads.

For MPDC’s executive director, Osório Lucas, ‘ISO 9001 certification is not a goal, but a commitment to our customers, partners and society in general,’ he said, emphasising that ‘the goal is to achieve the next certification because this is just the beginning of a continuous journey of improvement and innovation.’

It should be noted that in 2021, Porto obtained its first APLOP certification. One of the main advantages of ISO 9001:2015 certification is the ability to quickly identify and resolve any problems that may arise. This allows operational efficiency to be maintained.


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