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Port of Maputo: Grindrod Set a Record By Handling Over 416,000 Tonnes of Coal in November

Port of Maputo: Grindrod Set a Record By Handling Over 416,000 Tonnes of Coal in November

Grindrod, one of the main players in the terminal operations at the port of Maputo, announced on Monday, December 18, in a press release, that it had achieved a new record by handling a total of 416,220 tonnes of coal in November.

“We are thrilled to announce this groundbreaking achievement at Grindrod’s dry bulk terminal at the port of Maputo. This action is a testament to the dedication and hard work of our exceptional team,” said the company’s General Manager of Operations, Pedro Poh-Quong, noting that there are sufficient conditions to transport large quantities of coal efficiently.

“Since 2010, we have shown a positive performance. Last year, we handled a total of 3.22 million tons, registering an impressive increase of 14% compared to 2021,” he said.

Founded in 1910, Grindrod has a workforce of over four thousand qualified professionals and is present in 21 countries. The company’s permanent commitment is to facilitate and improve trade, ensuring a continuous flow of goods around the world.


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