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How Can Organizations Benefit From Certification of Environmental Management?

How Can Organizations Benefit From Certification of Environmental Management?

ISO 14001 is an environmental certification standard internationally recognized that provides guidelines for the implementation of an environmental management system (EMS).

The EMS is defined as a part of the management system used to control environmental aspects, ensure conformity, and address risks and opportunities. Its main objective is to provide organizations with the framework to protect the environment and respond to changing environmental conditions, in balance with socio-economic needs. ((APA), 2015)

The environmental management system works as a tool to establish appropriate practices and procedures for the sustainable development of an organization. In this sense, it requires the formulation of procedures, definition of objectives, coordination of activities and evaluation of results.

For the implementation of an environmental management system, Organizations must consider some principles, namely:

Commitment and Environmental Policy: top management must define an environmental policy, ensuring its commitment.

Planning: the standard recommends that the Organization has a plan and guarantee the resources for its implementation. Such plan must satisfy the defined Environmental Policy, considering the aspects related to the significant impacts of the Organization’s activities in the definition of its environmental objectives and goals.

Implementation: the necessary capabilities and support mechanisms must be developed to meet the Environmental Policy, objectives, and targets.

Measurement and Evaluation: Organizations must periodically measure, monitor, and evaluate their environmental performance, carry out internal audits and an assessment of records control.

Critical Analysis and Improvement: through top management and at planned periodic intervals, a critical analysis (review by management) must be carried out and improvements implemented in the environmental management system to achieve the desired environmental performance.

Meanwhile. the implementation of an EMS brings several benefits to Organizations, of which the following stand out:

• Reduction in the use of resources and generation of waste, resulting in cost reduction.

• The Organization demonstrates commitment to environmental issues, which contributes to the germination of new businesses.

• Improvement of the organization’s image in society, as its compliance with environmental legislation is guaranteed and its commitment to sustainability is demonstrated.

• Reduction of the risk of environmental accidents.

See Also

• Diminution of negative impacts on the environment.

• Promotion of the definition of roles, responsibilities, and authorities, leading to an increase in employee awareness and motivation for environmental issues.

Finally, the success of an environmental management system depends on the commitment of all levels and functions of the organization, led by top management. The level of detail and complexity of the environmental management system will vary depending on the context of the organization, the scope of its environmental management system, its compliance obligations and the nature of its activities, products, and services, including associated environmental aspects and impacts. Therefore, the application of the Standard may differ from one organization to another. ((APA), 2015)


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