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Businessmen Report Obstacles in the Competitiveness of National Exports

Businessmen Report Obstacles in the Competitiveness of National Exports

The President of the Confederation of Economic Associations of Mozambique (CTA), Agostinho Vuma, considers that the covid-19 pandemic cannot be seen as the only factor that contributed to the decrease in the volume of national exports in 2020 (23% compared to 2019) and points out other structural factors that constrain the competitiveness of companies and need to be immediately attacked.

Among the constraints, the CTA President, who was speaking at the ceremony for the presentation of the Annual Exporter Award and the launch of the 56th edition of FACIM 2021, pointed out, among other factors, the persistence of market entry barriers; the deficient information on export markets, which hinders the engagement of national exporters in the global market the cost structure of national companies, combined with the low level of innovation; difficulties in access to financing; deficient certification and compliance with international quality standards of national products; and non-tariff barriers that hinder access to markets, among others.

Despite these challenges, Vuma praised the efforts that the award winners have shown to prove that with resilience, reinvention and commitment, one can make a difference in a context of adversity.

With a view to alleviating the aforementioned challenges, the CTA gave assurances a few days ago that it will soon launch the Exporter’s Club, a multi-sectoral, independent and non-profit business platform to respond to the needs of exporters and aggregate operators in a common advocacy front for better insertion in the global market.

“We believe that the next edition of FACIM will boost the commitment of all of us in promoting and displaying to the world what, despite the pandemic crisis, we can offer to galvanize trade between Mozambique and other countries,” stressed Agostinho Vuma.


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