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New Investments Boost Livestock Production Growth to $330M

New Investments Boost Livestock Production Growth to $330M

Livestock production rose last year, generating a value of 330 million dollars (20.8 billion meticals), thanks to the investment made by the national authorities in implementing disease prevention and control measures.

According to the newspaper Noticias, among the highlights of the sector is the growth in the number of animals by 4 per cent, from 2.3 million head to 2.4 million head, with beef production rising to 94 per cent nationally.

The National Director of Livestock Development, Américo da Conceição, also revealed that the country is close to achieving self-sufficiency in chicken production, stressing that in 2023 poultry farmers would put more than 96% of the product consumed on the market, corresponding to 159,000 tonnes.

“The results achieved are due to the actions taken by the Executive, with emphasis on intensifying the monitoring of animal movements, controlling cattle theft and clandestine slaughter, improving sanitary and reproductive management, holding genetics fairs to improve animals and promoting livestock,” he explained.

He added that in the period under review, there was a reduction in outbreaks of animal diseases through the health control measures that the subsector has been implementing in order to prevent the outbreak and spread of viruses.

“Despite the progress, we think there is a need to increase surveillance to prevent cattle smuggling,” he concluded.

Government forecasts indicate that the sector could grow by 6 per cent this year as a result of a combination of measures, ranging from the prevention and control of the main animal diseases to health and reproductive management actions.

In the Economic and Social Plan and State Budget (PESOE) for 2024, the Executive states that the cattle herd is expected to grow by 5 per cent compared to the current year, which will bring the national herd to almost 2.6 million head.


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