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Nampula Expects to Produce 74,000 Tonnes of Cashew Nuts

Nampula Expects to Produce 74,000 Tonnes of Cashew Nuts

The Institute of Nuts of Mozambique in Nampula expects that, despite the late fall of rains in the current growing season, the province will reach its production goal of 74,000 tons of cashew nuts.

In the last agrarian campaign, the province of Nampula produced and sold around 67,000 tons of cashew nuts.

Hanlahanla Abduremane, a technician from the Institute, said that the cashew trees were in good condition as a result of the rain that has fallen over the last few days in the province.

The province of Nampula is the largest producer of cashew nuts in Mozambique, contributing about 60% of the country total, estimated at an average of 130,000 tons a year.

In order to increase production volumes, the Instituto de Amêndoas de Moçambique in Nampula has been accelerating its programme to replace trees more sixty years old, which produce well below capacity or stop producing at all.

Nampula province has an estimated 15 million cashew trees, with the largest producers being the districts of Angoche, Meconta, Mogincual, Angoche, Muecate and Eráti.


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