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Nacala Logistics Trains Local Farmers on Organic Fertiliser, Pesticides Production

Nacala Logistics Trains Local Farmers on Organic Fertiliser, Pesticides Production

Most communities along the Nacala Corridor rely on agriculture as their main source of livelihood and income production. With the aim of guaranteeing food and nutrition security in the region, Nacala Logistics supports these communities through the provision of quality inputs, agricultural tools, technical assistance, training in the agribusiness area and connection to markets.

A press release from Nacala Logistics reveals that more than 7,000 families received such support in the 2021/22 agricultural season. Now, these families are also benefiting from training in the production of organic fertilisers and pesticides, and how to use them in their machambas [agricultural plots] to obtain better results.

Chemical fertilisers and pesticides, in addition to damaging the soil, are expensive for the farmer.

In a context where the market is demanding more and more organic products, and considering the other benefits of more natural production techniques, Nacala Logistics is investing in training farmers in sustainable production techniques that present better results, said Community Relations manager, Celso Mutadiua.

Producers in Mapape are ready and waiting to make use of their new organic fertilisers and pesticides in the production of vegetables, whose season is already approaching.

In addition to agriculture, Nacala Logistics also supports the production of broiler chicken, fishing, the opening of drinking water boreholes, and training the local labour force.

By investing in social projects like these, Nacala Logistics intends to boost the local economy, improving living conditions in communities that live near its railway and port operations.

O País


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