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MADER and Moza Banco Sign Agreement for Financing Rural Enterprises

MADER and Moza Banco Sign Agreement for Financing Rural Enterprises

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MADER) through the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and Moza Banco recently signed an Agreement for the Management of a Rural Enterprise Finance Project Fund (REFP) until September 2024.

This is a project whose objective is to contribute to improving the livelihoods of households in rural areas, as well as increasing the availability of affordable, innovative and appropriate access and use of sustainable and inclusive financial services and technical support services.

To achieve the goals outlined, the project will be implemented through three technical components, with emphasis on the component of improved access to adaptable financial services for rural entrepreneurs, comprising a Graduation, Innovation and Expansion Promotion Programme, an Investment Mobilisation Fund and a Credit Line, all under the management of Moza.

“It is our objective, as a Bank of and for Mozambicans, with deep knowledge of the local reality, to play an active role in the development of the country, collaborating with various entities, and in particular with the Government of Mozambique at all levels for the benefit of this desideratum,” concluded Jeque

The coordinator of the Rural Enterprise Finance Project, Rufino Duvane, said that the signing of the contract with Moza Banco as the fund manager of the Rural Enterprise Finance Project (REFP), is a big step towards the materialization of the project objectives, which will allow the achievement of the main goal which is the access of financial services by the rural entrepreneurs.

“Therefore, we would like to congratulate the REFP team, the management of MADER and Moza Banco. We hope that in the short term the results resulting from this contract can be achieved with the conviction and the certainty that Moza Banco will know how to take this boat to a good port”, he concluded.


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