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“Lack of Investment Reduces Milk Production in Mozambique”- Celso Correia

“Lack of Investment Reduces Milk Production in Mozambique”- Celso Correia

The Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Celso Correia, revealed that the limited investment capacity for fresh milk production in the country, combined with regional competition, is jeopardising the growth of this sub-sector and the goal of achieving self-sufficiency, adding that several countries in the southern African region show good indicators.

Speaking on Monday, 8 July, during the “National Meeting to Plan and Evaluate Milk Production in Mozambique”, he revealed that currently only the provinces of Manica, Sofala and Gaza stand out in terms of milk production, stressing that the growth trend was interrupted in 2022, when there was a 24.7% drop, from 3.2 million litres to 2.4 million.

“Our poor ability to attract investment to this sector was one of the determining factors that influenced the low growth in productivity, limiting our ability to compete with more developed markets,” he explained.

Quoted by the newspaper Noticias, the minister called for greater reflection on the results achieved in recent times in this sector, regardless of the circumstances, adding that the government is working to guarantee food security at all levels.

“Faced with the recurring shocks that have affected the economy, especially agriculture, this sector must be empowered to face adversity. It is everyone’s duty to bring answers to overcome the challenges,” he concluded.

In 2021, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development revealed that it was looking for a professional partnership to boost the country’s milk value chain, focusing on the production of the product and its derivatives.

At the time, the Executive stressed that facilities had been acquired with the aim of operationalising a milk and dairy factory, in an investment estimated at more than 50 million meticals.

According to some figures, due to the shortage of milk processing plants, Mozambique spends more than 200 million dollars a year importing dairy products.


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