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Inhambane Expects Global Production of 30 Billion Meticals

Inhambane Expects Global Production of 30 Billion Meticals

The province of Inhambane has planned for the current economic year 30.87 billion meticais of global production, a performance that will have the contribution of different sectors of activities, with emphasis on agriculture and fisheries, tourism and catering, industry and trade and transport and communications.

The overall figure is part of the Economic and Social Plan (PES) approved last week during another ordinary session of the Council of State Representation Services in the province and the same aims to respond to the challenges imposed by the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic in the country.

The PES-2021, according to the spokesperson of the session, Elvira Chaúque, also foresees the collection of 17 billion meticais from the extractive industry and the production of 434 tons of diverse fish from semi-industrial fishing and commercial aquaculture, which represents a growth of 10% if compared to the global production of last year. It is also expected the production of 17 thousand tons of cashew nuts and the availability of improved seeds under the Sustenta project.

The spokesperson for the meeting said that PES-2021 was prepared taking into account factors such as reduced levels of revenue collection resulting from the impacts of covid-19.

However, in view of the eventual stabilization of the pandemic and the gradual recovery of the economy in the province, the tourism sector is expected to perform remarkably well again, following the lifting of restrictions on the movement of people in the country. Elvira Chaúque explained that the plan was also prepared with a focus on planning and governance based on climate change, diversification of the economy with a bet on productive areas as a way to boost household income and job generation.

In the economic scope, according to the source, the factors pointed out to determine the province’s development are a good agricultural production and productivity in the current campaign, taking into account the regular rainfall. Another factor highlighted by the spokesperson is the timely supply of inputs and hydraulic infrastructure contemplated in Sustenta.

However, the plan foresees a 19.9% decrease in the volume of exports, in which 172 million dollars are expected to be collected, equivalent to a little over 12 billion meticais.

This represents 42 million dollars, about three million meticais, less than last year. Overall spending in the province will increase by 7.5% from 8.1 billion meticais to 8.62 billion meticais, and investment spending will increase by 6.5%.


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