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In-house Production Responds to Demand in the Festive Season

In-house Production Responds to Demand in the Festive Season

Mozambique is turning to domestic production to respond to the increased demand for agricultural products and not only during the festive season. It is an experience that results, fundamentally, from the impact of the covid-19 pandemic that isolated international markets.

In fact, the country saw a reduction in imports this year, not only due to the limitations imposed by the pandemic, but also because of the increase in agricultural production.

According to Zulmira Macamo, national director of internal trade at the Ministry of Industry and Commerce (MIC), with regard to agricultural products, mainly tomatoes, onions, potatoes and other vegetables, the country is being supplied by the domestic market.

Since the outbreak of the new coronavirus, some of the products have come from the provinces of Gaza, Inhambane and some from Maputo province to supply the South and Center. And Manica and Zambézia provide the Center and North.

In addition to agricultural products, the source said that chicken imports dropped from 11,000 tons in 2015 to 3,000 last year, with an import quota of 2,000 tons expected this year.

In the wake of local production, Vilankulo district, in Inhambane province, increased the area of ​​potato cultivation from 50 hectares last year to just over 80 in this campaign.


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